Sizes for vintage items can vary greatly based on the age and region of origin of the product. You'll often find the size on the tag of an item does not accurately reflect the true size of the item.
As such, we list a best fit for each item in the description which is the best estimate we can give based on current standard sizes.
Along with a best fit, we also provide measurements for each item and these should always be used as the most accurate method to ensure the item is right for you.
To best utilise the measurements provided, simply compare with an item(s) of your own. The measurements taken for each product are as follows:

Tom wears an L - XL, and is a 33" in bottoms. Any bottoms 35" and greater are shown belted. Any smaller sizes modelled on Tom are shown with the waist fastening undone. The measurements provided of the item are your best guide.
Grace is a size 6 in tops and 26" in bottoms. Any bottoms 28" and greater are shown pinned back.